Career Advisory!

PArtnering with your Diverse Talent Assets

Services: Career Advisory for various Professional & Economic Life Cycles, YOUR WAY!

"Because sometimes you just need to talk it out!" 

Lori Ann Garcia, XYsZe
A woman sitting at her desk on the phone

Why Choose XYsZe?



XYsZe partners with you to "Make aNew - Your Way!"

More than ever, You need a trusted Advisory resource respecting your diverse Talent Assets and experiences.

XYsZe is the Confidential Talent Advisory Resource for various Professional Life Cycles, Economic Cycles, job stages, generations, experiences, questions, and work life balance.

Connect via video/phone sessions or email. Discuss how your Professional Life-Cycles are continuously evolving, as you gain Self Confidence.

XYsZe Talent Asset & Design Advisory is your Partner & Career Advisory with a foundation of Person-Centered approaches, empowering your diverse Talent Assets. 

Repetitive trainings and auto responses, will not help every unique person.

XYsZe is different!

We partner 1:1 with each person

We empower individual's unique Talent Assets,

Their Way!

Practice & Talk It Out


HOW ARE YOU? The How is the evolving MAP between your what, when, where, and why

  • We understand, sometimes you just need someone to actively-listen, to connect with, or ask How You Are doing?
  • We believe, Empowerment is a Formula of open, honest, and clear communication
  • We provide a personal touch offering of Talent Advisory
  • We revere the Military Experience & Transition
  • We respect the evolving diversity of Talent, Talent Assets, and the need for Balance
  • We Actively-Listen, We Inspire, and We Care!

“Achieving your full potential requires Knowledge, Action, and the Courage to Make aNew!" Lori Ann Garcia, XYsZe

What We Offer

Individual Services

Email or Video/Phone Sessions

You & Your Advisor

Together we will partner to evolve your Confidence and Talent Assets

A woman sitting at a table with her laptop.

Our Person Centered approach is respectful and safe


 Sasha K.--

XYsZe empowers me!  XYsZe assisted me with overcoming my own professional insecurities. My Advisor encouraged me to speak freely about challenging subjects, without the fear of being judged. I would not share these challenges with my employer's human resources or doctors.  Partnering with Lori Ann (I named Dr. G) helped me find my own happy and confidence, including my own way of understanding personal and professional experiences.  I am now a confident Director with a technical company and I believe it is because I have XYsZe to help with talking it out and empowering me to move forward.  Dr. G and XYsZe, partners with me, not just tells me what to do. They listen and work with me!

Military Experiences are valuable talent assets

“Making aNew” with every experience

A man in camouflage uniform sitting at a table with a laptop.


Marshall J.--

I attended a business job fair for military communities. I did not feel companies understood my background or me. Then I walked up to Lori Ann (I now call Dr. G), I handed her my resume, she looked at me-not my resume and responded by asking, How I was doing? She wanted to really understand me first.  She took me aside and allowed me to share my experience with the job fair. I felt understood! Two years later, Dr. G is still my go to Advisor for my logistics career and for personal sessions.  Dr. G helped me realize I had a lot more to offer with my military experience. I just needed someone like Dr. G to understand me first and assist me during my transition from my military work life. Dr. G's background and business experience is so valuable to my community.

Business Services

XYsZe Talent Asset & Design Advisory is the Talent Climate Partner for Employee-First organizations. We provide sustainable Talent Advisory support for all employees. XYsZe is part of a well-crafted Mix-Method Professional Wellness & Deep Inclusion Program. The program design is to provide a safe & confidential Talent Advisory Service.

  • Confidential Third Party Talent Advisory Resource with email, video/phone sessions, and onsite services 
  • Quick Start Program & Pay Per Usage
  • We support your Employee's Talent Assets as vital resources to your business
  • Employee Choice Program, when they need it!
A group of people sitting around a table.
A group of people standing around each other.

Talent Climate

XYsZe is a proven resource shifting the paradigm of what Talent/Employee programs offer to different business cultures.

  • Establish a culture of dual loyalty by offering XYsZe as a company paid program
  • XYsZe encourages communicating freely, which provides opportunities for Innovation, Confidence, Balance, and Evolves Professional Talent Assets 
  • Person Centered approaches for all diverse populations
  • All services are confidential, between Talent and XYsZe

Business Services - Testimonies:

XYsZe was the exact resource I needed for my business. They provided a confidential advisory option for my employees to communicate freely and without fear. Providing an Advisor like XYsZe was a strategic employee investment, which continues to show promising returns in employee engagement.  The annual survey showed employees acknowledging company loyalty by providing a resource they can email or meet with for personal career questions or just to talk about career experiences, changes, and growth.- Julia S.

Because of Dr. G's Talent Management and business experience, she not only understands infrastructure and talent, but also the importance of providing confidential sessions for employees requiring advisory for their careers. My business has grown 80% and new (and existing) employees are happy my company provides XYsZe as a wellness resource.  Employees need a confidential resource to meet with, email questions, discuss everyday work pressures, and continue their own personal growth with professional non-bias advisory. –Yoshi C.

Have questions? 

Who We Are

  • A pink circle with two hands shaking.

    We partner with individuals and assist them with understanding their own unique Talent Assets

  • A pink circle with an image of someone in the middle.

    We respect and embrace the diversity of individual's experiences, questions,  environments, and changes

  • A pink circle with an image of a cloud and globe.

    We strive to have various budget conscious Advisory options for every Economic and Professional Life-Cycle 

  • A pink circle with a white star in the middle.

    We believe our Military communities have unique combinations of Talent Assets, which play many roles in the story of the world